Tuesday, April 3, 2012


Two opposites hanging out over the pretext of chilling out over a footaball game sounds spectacular.This summed up with booze flying around and new people coming every weekend and football's always there to start of a heated discussion.So this happens every weekend in most of the places in the world,but those are the times you like the most as you experience and enjoy every moment of it.The Master chefs working on some dish ,trying out different recipes,if you miss out on one week then you miss out on a lotta things.So this happens in most of the places in all the metros of the world but being with friends gives you a different kind of pleasure and enjoyment.The bachelors and spinzters all hangout at different places of the world,I don't know why they do it but that is what is called Social Life according to Humans and that is natural protocol according to the Homosapiens.And weekends mostly get exciting because of the football that is being played in the UK but discussed a lot in India .On the pretext of watching the game between some of their favourite clubs and different loyalties to their clubs.And then its all about how faithful you are to a particular club.The guys always have different reasons to drink together.If you ask a guy why in the world do you drink so much,he'll give you a lot of reasons none truthful enough but still a very valid reason.He won't let you leave any discussion that easily if he has a glass in his hand.These are the most awesome times though all bachelors hanging out together discussing recent happenings around the world ,discussing their future plans.Once everyone gets married then these nights will get shorter, no more parties,no more time for football, no more hangover just tensions about EMI s, loans ,kids, future,status etcetera. I don't know how these people would change overnight. But during my travels I've realized that times change and people change with em.

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